Rules Committee
Current Members
Divon Pender (VPLA & Chair;
Sloane Lansdale
Keegan Clements-Housser
Joshua Lucker
Please email the chair at with any questions!

The Rules Committee is responsible for collaborating with sponsors of proposed legislation and resolutions pre-Assembly.
We ensure the text of the documents meets GSG standards in format and context before the Assembly votes on the matter.
What is a Resolution?
A resolution, if passed, becomes a collective opinion and official stance of the graduate student government and are used to best understand what issues are important to the UMD graduate student body. Worded as recommendations, resolutions can help shed light on a concern and catalyze change.
Often these statements are shared with those who have decision-making power to help implement changes on campus, but can also be used to show support for or against local, state and national issues.
Why propose a resolution?
When you think an issue is impacting the graduate student community and that a collective stance and recommendation could help influence change.
How to write a resolution:
Contact your program representative or a representative from your college/school. They will be able to help walk you through the process. You can see past passed resolutions on the website here as well as templates.