Not only is 2020 our 40th year as an organization, it is a special year for our governing documents as well! Every 5 years, the GSG is tasked with a Constitution/Governing Documents Review. 2020 is one of these years which makes this semester an exciting time for our organization.
Our Constitution outlines the following in Article 8.3.
The current Constitution and Bylaws shall be reviewed every fifth year by a special committee appointed by the President. All recommended amendments from said committee shall be administered according to Article 8.2.
Article 8.2 is referenced and clarifies how amendments to the constitution work, voting process, etc. All of you are invited to read this section for further information.
Annie Rappeport, as president and as per Article 8.3 has completed the appointments for the Special Committee and they are underway. The process will include updates to assembly throughout the semester via email and via announcements at assembly.
The Constitution Review Committee includes the following members.
Annie Rappeport (PhD, International Education and Policy)
Q-Mars Haeri (PhD, Theater and Performing Arts)
Rachel Lamb (PhD, Geographical Science)
Program Representatives:
Aria Shahverdi (PhD, Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Alec Dennis (PhD, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management)
Aita Amaize (PhD, Health Policy and Management, Health Services Research)
Maggie Curran (Masters, Community Planning, Housing and Community Development)
Jeremy Schmidt (Masters, Public Policy and Public Policy Analysis)
Jenil Kansara (Masters, Business Information Systems)
Kristin Reque (PhD, Criminology)
Ediomo Eggah (Masters, Telecommunications Engineering)
Madeline McCaslin (Masters, Public Policy, Public Finance, Management and Leadership)
We will provide updates from the first gathering at the 2/11/2020 Assembly.